Are You Too Old to Quit Smoking?

Did you know that the oldest person to compete in the 2021 Olympics was a 66-year-old horseback rider from Australia? It just goes to show you that you’re never too old to do something great. In other words, if you’ve been telling yourself that you’re too old to quit smoking, it’s time to think again.

Are You Too Old to Quit Smoking?

Do you think age can stop you from achieving your goals? Don’t tell Mary Hannah. She’s a senior Olympian who competed in the 2021 Olympic games, and she’s already looking forward to the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Mary is living proof that age is no barrier to accomplishing your goals, even if they’re challenging.

Speaking of challenging goals, quitting smoking is a challenge no matter when you attempt it. Some seniors particularly struggle with the idea of quitting later in life. Why quit smoking now? Would it help your health that much in the long run? Is it even possible to quit if you’ve been smoking for most of your life?

The good news is that no matter how old you are or how serious your tobacco habit is, quitting smoking is possible. In fact, the majority of seniors are successful in quitting smoking, and there are actually more former senior smokers than current smokers in the United States as of this year. No matter how old you are, quitting smoking is achievable, and it’s absolutely worth it. Let’s talk about why you’re never too old to quit smoking.

Seniors Quit Smoking More Easily Than Other Age Groups

The idea that seniors have more difficulty quitting smoking than other age groups is simply untrue. In fact, seniors actually have higher rates of success than other age groups. Older Americans are typically more open to quitting, and are much more likely to be successful than their younger counterparts. Unfortunately, seniors also tend to have lower confidence in their ability to quit smoking than other age groups. This is why it’s important to remember that you’re never too old to quit smoking. In fact, you might be at the exact right age to give it a shot.

Quitting Smoking Improves Health at Any Age

Sometimes seniors think that there isn’t a point in quitting smoking if they’ve been doing it all their lives. Those people should know that no matter what age you quit smoking, that decision has a huge positive impact on your health and well-being. Quitting smoking lowers your chances of getting cancer or heart disease, and has other positive health effects you’ll feel right away. For example, do you have issues with blood pressure and cholesterol? Quitting smoking will improve your cholesterol levels and lower your blood pressure in as little as one day. Not only that, but research is beginning to show that the lungs have an extraordinary ability to repair themselves after you quit smoking. You can’t turn back the clock, but you can always improve your health significantly by giving up smoking for good.

It’s Easier to Quit Now Than Ever Before

If it’s been a while since you tried to quit smoking, you’ll be happy to hear that doctors are getting better at helping people quit every single day. We currently understand why people get addicted to smoking better than we ever have before. New tools, new medications, and better support from medical professionals are available now, bringing new hope to lifelong smokers everywhere. If you’ve struggled with quitting in the past, remember that you aren’t alone. Most smokers attempt to quit a few times before they find a method that works for them. You can do it, and there’s no better day to start than today.


Quitting smoking is hard, but it’s worth doing at any age. It may even help you enjoy your golden years to the fullest. You’re never too old to quit smoking. If you’re ready to try, talk to your doctor about it today.

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