Easy Winter Crafts for Seniors

When the weather outside gets frightful, there’s nothing nicer than spending a cozy day indoors working on a craft project. So, the next time it snows, don’t let cabin fever set in and ruin your winter joy. Instead, open up your craft bin and have some fun with these easy winter crafts for seniors.

Winter Crafting

DIY Magnetic Word Game

Do you love a good crossword puzzle? If so, this DIY magnetic word game set should have a place of pride on your refrigerator. All you need to make it is a set of alphabetic tiles and some magnets. Use them to play word games on your fridge or gift a set to the Words with Friends fan in your life.

No-Sew Fleece Blanket

Who doesn’t love a cozy fuzzy blanket when the temperature dips down? If you aren’t a pro with a sewing machine, you can still make the fuzzy throw of your dreams with a no-sew fleece blanket tutorial. This tutorial provides four different methods for creating a no-sew fleece blanket, and you can customize colors and patterns however you like.

Winter Wonderland Jars

Snow is cold and messy, but there’s nothing prettier than a glistening winter landscape. With these easy-to-assemble winter wonderland jars, you can capture the beauty of winter while avoiding the cold. They’re a perfect home for winter trinkets and miniatures and can even give you a creative way to reuse old Christmas decorations.

Giant Paper Snowflakes

Are you looking for cheery wall decor that celebrates the season and adds festivity to your living space? These giant paper snowflakes are easy and fun to make and can be layered on a wall for a uniquely snowy backdrop. Using larger-than-usual paper gives you plenty of room to get creative with your scissors, or you can keep it simple with a classic design.

Paper Bag Luminaries

Winter is a time of limited sunlight, which is why it’s a perfect time to learn how to make a luminary. These paper bag luminaries can be made with leftover gift bags and LED lights for fire safety. Cut pictures into them with scissors, or use decorative hole punches for a quick and neat design element.

Recycled Magazine Cards

People love to receive cards in the mail, especially when they’re handmade. By creating one of these recycled magazine cards, you can make a gloomy winter warmer for someone you love. This tutorial shows you how to make a simple Christmas tree collage with magazine scraps and sturdy paper, but once you know the technique, the only limit to the kinds of cards you can make is your imagination!


We hope these easy winter crafts for seniors will make your winter cozy and joyous.

At Springhouse Village, we encourage our residents to explore their interests and offer a wide range of activities and events so that there’s always something interesting happening. We make it easy for our residents to participate in our community. Whether that means encouraging residents to join an exercise class or assisting them in starting a garden club, we strive to help our residents thrive. To learn more about the amenities and services we offer, contact Springhouse Village today by sending us a message online or calling 417-708-3403.

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