Maintaining an active social calendar isn’t just about filling up your time. Regular socialization also benefits your mental and physical health. As the Harvard Women’s Health Watch reports, studies show that people who maintain strong relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier, healthier, and even live longer. It’s impossible to deny the importance of socializing for seniors.
Importance of Socializing for Seniors
Reduced Stress
It’s true that social interactions can sometimes be stressful. When a friend shows up late or a dinner companion won’t let you get a word in edgewise, your relaxing get-together might feel a little tense. But overall, socializing is actually good for our stress levels. According to the Harvard Women’s Health Watch, people who regularly socialize experience reduced stress levels. Lower stress levels can lead to improved coronary health, gut function, immune system function, and even insulin regulation.
Longer Lifespan
It might be easy to wall up at home, but the importance of socializing for seniors can’t be overemphasized, in part because high levels of socialization can actually increase your lifespan. There are many risks of antisocial behavior, but two standouts are depression and cognitive decline. One study even found that “a lack of strong relationships increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50% — an effect on mortality risk roughly comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and greater than obesity and physical inactivity.”
Improved Physical Health
There’s a reason workout classes are so popular. Working out alone can be effective, but many people don’t find it as enjoyable as working out with a friend, a group, or an entire class. Plus, one of the easiest ways to socialize is through regular trips to the gym or workout classes. Invite friends, pick a class or activity, and make it part of your weekly routine. Not only will this provide you with a regular social outing, but the increased exercise will also improve your physical and mental health.
Sense of Belonging
Socialization can lead to community, which is important to cultivating happiness throughout our whole lives. It’s true in the workplace, in volunteer efforts, and even within our own families. Social isolation can be debilitating, and it can affect all age groups. An article in The New York Times reports that the number of American adults who say they’re lonely has doubled since the 1980s, from 20 percent to 40 percent. And as we age, it’s easier to become isolated, even if it’s unintentional. Older adults are more likely to live alone, which can lead to isolation, unhappiness, and declining health. That’s why the importance of socializing for seniors is taking center stage in so many retirement communities. Providing reasons for people to gather and interact helps them live longer, happier lives.
Improved Mental Health
The importance of socializing for seniors goes beyond improved mood and physical health. Research suggests that regular social interactions can improve memory and mental capacity. Some research has even been linked to warding off dementia, according to the AARP. Denise Park, a psychologist and director of the Productive Aging Laboratory at the Center for Brain Health at the University of Texas, Dallas, is interviewed in the article. She goes on to say, “It’s important to act engaged in your environment, be it through learning, be it through social interaction, be it through exercise. I think what we’ll find out is that what’s bad is sitting home alone in a quiet room watching television.”
With so many health benefits associated with social interaction, providing an engaging community is one of our top priorities at Springhouse Village. We know how important it is to be able to enjoy your retirement in a healthy, lively environment. That’s why we make it easy for our residents to be active participants in our community. Whether that means encouraging residents to shop at local farmers markets or assisting them in starting a garden club, we strive to help our residents thrive. To learn more about the activities, amenities, and services we offer, contact Springhouse Village today.