Unique Hobbies to Try in Your Sunset Years

Now that you’re retired, you can spend your time doing (almost) anything you like – so why not try something new? Your options are limitless! Plus, many hobbies can help you learn a new skill, expand your knowledge, stay physically active, meet new friends, or simply better enjoy your leisure time. If you’re bored with the typical ideas for new hobbies (reading, gardening, photography, etc.), check out our list of unique hobbies to try in your golden years. You might be inspired to try something new!


Who doesn’t find astronomy fascinating? If you’ve always maintained an interest in the subject but never explored it in more detail, now is the time! While you’ll certainly need to do some research to build up your knowledge of all things cosmic, you should also spend some time stargazing. You can view the night sky with your naked eye or invest in some binoculars or a telescope. To get started, check out the National Wildlife Federation’s Stargazers’ Guide.


If you like a good treasure hunt as well as long walks in nature, you’ll adore birdwatching. All you truly need is a good guidebook, which will help you learn about various birds and their markings and habits, but binoculars will also come in handy. You might also like to learn about bird calls, which will help you on your quest to find new feathered friends. Audubon is a fantastic resource for both new and experienced birders.


Do you have a careful hand and an eye for fine penmanship? Try calligraphy. You can start with “faux calligraphy” (modern calligraphy created with a standard pen) to get a feel for the art and then move on to nibs. Once you’ve learned the basics, use your newfound skills to pen beautiful letters to friends.


Does dancing deserve to be placed on our list of unique hobbies? Perhaps not – it’s quite a common hobby, especially if you wish to learn how to ballroom dance or line dance. But there are so many different forms of dancing you could try, including jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, and Zumba, and numerous YouTube videos are available to teach you the steps. So get grooving!


If you want to try origami, all you need is some paper and an internet connection – a variety of step-by-step instructions and diagrams are available online. You can start with easy structures, like cups and penguins, and then move on to more complicated designs. What about a traditional crane?

A Highly Specific Book Club

Anyone can start a standard book club. If you want to make your hobby unique, why not start a book club centered around a very specific type of book? For example, you could create a club that only reads sports magazines, long-form articles, mystery books set in the UK, or biographies of former presidents.

Croquet or Bocce

Croquet and bocce are both leisurely activities ideal for lovely afternoons outside. Not only will they get you moving, but also they offer a great way to make new friends. To get started, you’ll simply need a croquet set or a bocce set as well as some outdoor space. You might also find it interesting to explore the history of croquet (which was a popular pastime in the 1860s) and bocce (which gained a foothold in America through Italian immigrants).


It’s easy to fall into a comfortable routine in your sunset years. Why not shake things up with some new, unique hobbies?

At Springhouse Village, we know how important it is to enjoy your retirement in a lively and welcoming environment. We make it easy for our residents to be active participants in our community. Whether that means encouraging residents to join an exercise class or assisting them in starting a garden club, we strive to help our residents thrive. To learn more about the amenities and services we offer, contact Springhouse Village today.

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