How to Start a Gratitude Journal

It’s easy to tell yourself to be grateful, to think positive thoughts, and to not take your many blessings for granted. It’s also somewhat easy to put these goals into action once or twice. But establishing a routine of positivity and gratitude in your daily life is quite difficult. This is why so many people recommend gratitude journals. Not only do gratitude journals help you focus on thankfulness every day, but also they’re linked with a variety of health benefits: better mental health, better sleep, lower risk of heart disease, a sharper memory, and more. If you’re interested in giving it a try, scroll down to learn how to start a gratitude journal.

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

Decide where to write.

Obviously, you could purchase a journal to get started. But you could also create a list on your phone, send emails to yourself, write on a memo pad, etc. Find a writing tool that works for you.

Seek joy in your daily life.

This is the essence of a gratitude journal. Intentionally seek out gratitude throughout your day. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts and worries, look for things that make you feel happy, thankful, or optimistic: loved ones, social events, nature and the weather, your body and health, modern technology and conveniences, new opportunities, food and art, uplifting news, things that made you laugh, etc. Try to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Vary your list each day. Even if you truly are grateful for your dog on a daily basis, don’t write about him every single day. Remember that your life is full of wonderful things!
  • Be specific. Instead of saying you’re grateful for your best friend, which is quite a general statement, write that you’re thankful that your best friend called so you could chat about your summer plans.
  • Make it personal. Typically, writing about people will benefit you more than writing about things. Think about the family, friends, and acquaintances who improve your daily life.
  • Don’t forget about past things. Your journal doesn’t have to stay in the moment. Maybe today you were thinking about how you’re grateful for the trip you took to Italy, the job you had as a teenager, or the afternoons you spent cooking with your mom.

Find a time that works for you — and be consistent.

People often recommend that you write in your gratitude journal before bed — and some research suggests that this can improve your sleep — but the most important thing is to find a time that works for your schedule so that you can stay consistent. Maybe that is right before bed. Or, maybe it’s first thing in the morning, during lunch, or right after dinner. If you’re struggling to make it a part of your daily routine, consider tying it to a well-established habit, like your morning coffee or brushing your teeth before bed.

Keep it simple at first.

If you make the process of writing in your gratitude journal complicated or time-consuming, you’re unlikely to stick with it. Typically, gratitude journals guide you to write three things that you’re grateful for each day. If that sounds feasible to you, start there. But why not start even smaller? List just one thing at first, and don’t worry if that one thing isn’t especially noteworthy. Maybe you’re grateful for your comfy pajamas, your favorite TV show, or even the roof over your head. Don’t overcomplicate it.

Add details as you go.

Starting with simple, brief journal entries may help you get started, but as you continue with your gratitude journal, you can add more details about the things you’re grateful for. Writing down these details will actually help you remember them, and it may even help you feel like you’re reliving the moment. Plus, when you reread your journal later, you’ll appreciate all those extra details.


Now that you know how to start a gratitude journal, are you ready to get started? All you need is a pen and notebook — or even just a pen and paper for now. Good luck!

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